
Thursday, March 3, 2011


Here's the result that I got from the website

So, to answer the question of how big my ecological footprint is -- It is pretty big I guess.
Well, I usually use public transportation such as bus and trains to get anywhere since I live in an area where I can get an easy access to buses. Also, I don't usually take long showers and I try to save water by not taking long showers.

One of the things that I have to change to reduce my ecological footprint even more is the amount of electricity that I use, cause sometimes I tend to just leave my laptop on for a whole day, it's either because I forgot to turn it off or because I leave it on purpose to download something off the web.
Another thing that I have to change is my eating habit, although it's hard I'm probably have to go with a more vegan diet since currently it is above country's average.

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